Regulations on Personal Data Processing

1. General Provisions

The following regulations on personal data processing have been adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federal Law of 27 July 2006 No. 152-FZ on Personal Data and define the procedure for activities related to the processing of personal data and security measures for ensuring protection of personal data of Yoga Studio ‘Anuradha’ LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”).
  1. An operator sets the most important objective and condition to pursue its activities by respecting of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms while processing of personal data, including protection of rights to inviolability of private life, personal and family confidentiality.
  2. This current policy of the Operator with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”) applies to all the information that the Operator may receive about users of its website
2. Main Terms
  1. Automated personal data processing – personal data processing by means of computer technology;
  2. Blocking of personal data – the temporary cessation of personal data processing (except in cases when the processing is required for specification of personal data).
  3. Website – a collection of graphic and informational materials, including programs for computers and database that ensures their accessibility on the Internet by the network address;
  4. Personal data information system – a set of personal data that stored in databases and informational technologies and hardware that ensure processing of data;
  5. Anonymization of personal data – actions leading to inability to define that personal data belongs to a particular User or another personal data subject without usage of additional information;
  6. Personal data processing – any action (operation) or a combination of actions (operations) performed both automatically and manually with personal data, including collection, recording, arrangement, accumulation, storage, specification (updating, changing), extraction, use, distribution (including transfer, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion and destruction of personal data;
  7. Operator – state agency, municipal authority, legal entity or individual who independently or in cooperation with other entities organizes or(and) processes personal data as well as determines the purposes and scope of personal data processing;
  8. Personal data – any information related directly or indirectly to a particular or identified user of the website;
  9. Personal data subject – any User of the website;
  10. Provision of personal data – actions related to making data available to a define person or a define range of persons;
  11. Distribution of personal data – any actions related to disclose personal data to an unidentified range of persons (transfer of personal data) or to get familiarized with personal data of an unlimited range of persons, including publication of personal data in mass media, publication in the informational and telecommunication networks or provision of the access to personal data in any other way;
  12. Cross-border transfer of personal data – cross-border transfer of personal data to a foreign state, foreign state authority, foreign legal entity or foreign individuals.
  13. Destruction of personal data – any actions that cause complete destruction of personal data with the inability to restore personal information in the personal data informational system and (or) that cause destruction of personal data on the tangible medium.
3. An Operator may process the following personal data of a User:
  1. Last Name, First Name and Middle Name (Patronymic).
  2. E-mail address.
  3. Phone number.
  4. In addition, the website collects and processes anonymous data about users (including cookies files) by web analytic services such as Yandex Metrics, Google Analytics and etc.
  5. Listed above personal data hereinafter on the text of Policy is understood by the general concept as Personal data.
4. Purpose of Personal Data Processing
  1. The purpose of personal data processing of a User – the provision of the information to a User by sending e-mails; provision of access for a User to services, information and (or) materials that are available on the website.
  2. Also, an Operator has a right to forward notifications to a User about new products and services, special offers and various events. A User always could refuse to receive informational messages by sending to an Operator e-mail to the following address: , marked as “Cancellation of notification service about new products and services and special offers”.
  3. Anonymous personal data of Users, which are collected by web analytical services, are used for data collection about Users’ actions on the website for the improvement of the website’s quality and content.
5. Legal Basis for Personal Data Processing
  1. An Operator processes personal data of a User only in the case if a User independently fills in and(or) sends it via special forms displayed on the website Filling in the respective forms and (or) sending his/her personal data to an Operator, a User expresses his/her consent with the Policy.
  2. An Operator processes anonymous data about User in the case if it is allowed in the settings of a User’s browser (meaning that functions such as ‘Accept cookies’ and ‘Usage of JavaScript’ are activated).
6. Principles for Collection, Storage, Transfer and Other Forms of Personal Data Processing.
The safety of personal data processed by an Operator is provided by implementing of legal, organizational and technical measures that are necessary for meeting the requirements of the existing legislation on personal data protection.
  1. An Operator provides a safety of personal data and takes all possible measures that prevent access to personal data of unauthorized persons.
  2. Personal data of a User never, and under no circumstances will not be transferred to the third parties, excluding cases related to the enforcement of the current law.
  3. In the case of inaccuracy in personal data, a User can update it by him/herself by sending to an Operator a notification to e-mail, marked as “Update of personal data”. , marked as “Update of personal data”.
  4. The time for processing personal data is unlimited. A User can withdraw his/her consent for personal data processing anytime by sending to Operator a notification to e-mail , marked “Withdrawal of consent for personal data processing”.
7. Cross-Boarder Transfer of Personal Data
  1. Before transferring personal data into the territories of foreign states, an Operator shall ascertain that a foreign state, to where personal data will be transferred, ensures the protection of rights of personal data subjects.
  2. The cross-border transfer of personal data into the territories of foreign states that do not meet the requirements may be carried out only in the case of written consent of the personal data subject that agrees to cross-border transfer of his/her personal data and (or) performance of the contract to which the personal data subject is a party.
8. Final Provisions
  1. A User may receive any clarifications about his/her concerns regarding processing of his/her personal data by approaching an Operator via e-mail
  2. The document will reflect any changes in the Policy of personal data processing that made by an Operator. The policy will continue to be in existence indefinitely until replaced by its new version.
  3. The current version of the Policy is publicly available on the Internet by the network address antalya escort

Yoga Center ‘Anuradha’ LLС
155, 100th Anniversary Ave., Vladivostok.
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Methods of delivery and return of goods (e-ticket)

Ways to get your order:


Payment for the e-ticket is made only by bank transfer using the selected payment system. After payment of the order, the links to connect to the online broadcast come to the e-mail address (e-mail) specified when placing the order.

Ticket Refunds:
To request a refund at the request of the Buyer, it is necessary to send a written application to the e-mail address

Note that:

The sum of the service fee is the remuneration of the company-seller for the booking/realization of your order. The service fee is not refundable in case of refunds or exchanges, both in case of refunds at the initiative of the buyer, and in case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of the event.

For more information about ticket refunds, see paragraph 4 of the terms of service (offer).

Refunds of the funds transferred is made to your bank account within 1-3 days, in some cases the refund period can be up to 30 days (the period depends on the Bank which issued your bank card). Refunds are made strictly to the card from which the payment was made.