Terms of Service (offer)

Bakasana Project (IE Staritsina) represented by bakasanaproject.com publishes this agreement which is a public offer for individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Customer) on the following terms and conditions:

1. Subject of the offer agreement

1.1 Provision of services to the Customer for participation in the live online seminars and access to the video recording, in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and in accordance with Bakasana Project's applicable tariffs.
1.2. Bakasana Project is responsible for the quality of the services provided to the users.

2. Moment of conclusion of the contract

2.1 The text of this Agreement constitutes a public offer (in accordance with Article 435 and Article 437(2) of the Russian Civil Code).
2.2 The moment of concluding a contract is the acceptance of the offer: receipt or payment for the services ordered in accordance with the Bakasana Project's Tariffs and terms of payment for the services.
2.3 The fact of Customer's Order of Services from Bakasana Project constitutes unconditional acceptance of this Agreement, i.e. Customer by ordering the tickets or using Bakasana Project's services shall be deemed to be a person who has entered into contractual relationship with Bakasana Project.
2.4 At the written request of the Customer, Bakasana Project will draw up a Service Agreement with the signatures of the parties.

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1 Bakasana Project (IE Staritsina) undertakes to:
3.1.1 From the moment of entering into this Agreement, provide the Services to the Customer in accordance with the list of Services and the quality requirements defined in this Agreement.
3.1.2. Agree with the Customer on the place and time of delivery of the order.
3.1.3. Not disclose any private information of the Customer and not provide access to this information to third parties, except as required by law.
3.1.4 Provide Customers with the opportunity to receive free telephone consultations at the telephone numbers listed on the bakasanaproject.com server. The scope of consultations shall be limited to specific questions related to the provision of the Services.
3.1.5 To fulfil the obligations in terms of provision of the Services to the Customer. Bakasana Project (IE Staritsina) reserves the right not to perform the Services in case of force majeure.

3.2 Bakasana Project (IE Staritsina) has the right:
3.2.1. Amend this Agreement and the Service Fees unilaterally by posting them on the server at (https://bakasanaproject.com) at least ten (10) days in advance.

3.3. The Customer undertakes:
3.3.1. Prior to entering into the Agreement, read the contents of the Offer Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the tariffs offered by the Customer on the Internet server (https://bakasanaproject.com).
3.3.2. Pay for the Services provided by Bakasana Project (IE Staritsina) to the Customer in due time.

4. Financial relations

4.1 The Services are provided to the Customer on the basis of Bakasana Project's (IE Staritsina) Tariffs and Conditions.
4.2 Refunds of the money paid for participation in the Bakasana Project Activities shall be made in accordance with the approved procedure:
4.2.1 If an Event is cancelled, replaced or postponed at the Company's initiative, a refund will be made in the amount of 100 per cent of the nominal participation fee. The service charge is not refundable.
4.2.2 Refunds of money paid for participation in Events paid for by means of a payment tool on the website electronically shall be made in the following order:
To make a refund in case of cancellation/replacement/scheduling of the event and to get the money back the Buyer should write a free-form letter to info@yogihall.ru or call +7 (914) 702-73-92 to the manager.
The service charge is not refundable.

4.2.3 If a Participant declines to attend an online event for reasons other than illness or loss of a close relative, the Participant shall be entitled to a refund of the ticket:

  • at least ten days before the Event, receive 100 per cent of the price of the ticket back;
  • less than ten days, but no later than five days before the starting day of the Event, to receive back 50 per cent of the price of the ticket;
  • less than five days, but no later than three hours before the start of the Event, receive 30 per cent of the ticket price back.

4.2.4 In case the Participant refuses to participate in the Event due to documented circumstances related to the illness of the visitor or death of a person who was a family member or a close relative in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the return of the ticket by the visitor shall be made in accordance with the rules and conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. Disclaimer of warranties

5.1 Bakasana Project (IE Staritsina) does its best to provide quality services to the Client. Tips and information given to the Client cannot be considered as guarantees.
5.2 The Parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Contract for the period of force majeure. Force majeure means extraordinary and insurmountable circumstances under the given conditions, preventing the Parties from performing their obligations under this Agreement. These include natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (military actions, states of emergency, major strikes, epidemics, etc.), prohibitive measures of public authorities (prohibition of transportation, currency restrictions, international sanctions banning trade, etc.). During this time, the parties have no mutual claims, and each party assumes its own risk of the consequences of force majeure.

6. Period of validity, procedure for changing the terms and conditions and termination of the contract

6.1 The parties acknowledge that the performance of obligations under this Agreement begins from the date of application to Bakasana Project Company (IE Staritsina) or its signing, and ends upon full performance of obligations by the parties.
6.2 All disputes and disagreements arising in the performance of obligations by the parties hereunder shall be resolved by negotiation. If they cannot be resolved, the Parties have the right to apply for judicial protection of their interests.

7. Other terms and conditions

7.1 "Bakasana Project" (IE Staritsina) shall not refund the Client for the unused right to participate in the Event.

8. Liability of the parties and dispute resolution

8.1 The parties shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of this contract in the manner prescribed by this contract and the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.
8.2. "Bakasana Project" (IE Staritsina) is not responsible for the delivery of the order if the buyer specified an incorrect delivery address.
8.3. "Bakasana Project" (IE Staritsina) is not responsible for partial or full failure to perform the service obligations if they are a result of force majeure.
8.4 The Buyer, when placing the order, is responsible for the accuracy of the provided information about himself, as well as confirms that he is familiar with the terms of this contract and agrees with it.
8.5 All disputes and disagreements arising in the performance by the parties of the obligations under this contract shall be resolved through negotiations. If they cannot be resolved, the parties have the right to apply for judicial protection of their interests.


Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" is a federal law regulating the processing (use) of personal data.

1. Definitions

Internet project bakasanaproject.com (hereinafter - URL, "we") takes seriously the issue of confidentiality of information of our clients and visitors of https://bakasanaproject.com (hereinafter - "you", "site visitors"). We refer to information that contains personal information (e.g., your full name, username, or company name) of a web site visitor, and information about the actions you take on the URL site (e.g., an order placed by a web site visitor with his or her contact information). Anonymously, we refer to data that cannot be uniquely identified with a specific site visitor (for example: website traffic statistics).

2. Use of information

We use a particular visitor's personally identifiable information solely to provide the visitor with quality service and records, and to communicate with the visitor, including to send electronic notices. We do not disclose the personally identifiable information of any visitor to the URL to other visitors to the site. We never make personally identifiable information publicly available or share it with third parties. The only exceptions are situations where the provision of such information to authorized governmental bodies is prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. We only publish and distribute reports based on anonymous data collected. At the same time, the reports do not contain information by which it would be possible to identify the personal data of service users. We also use anonymous data for internal analysis, the purpose of which is to develop the products and services of the URL

3. References

The bakasanaproject.com website may contain links to other websites not related to our company and belonging to third parties. We are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information posted on third party sites, and we assume no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the information you leave on such sites.

4. limitation of liability

We do our best to comply with this privacy policy; however, we cannot guarantee the security of information in the event of factors beyond our control which would result in disclosure. The bakasanaproject.com website and the information it contains is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. We are not responsible for the adverse consequences, as well as for any damages caused by the restriction of access to the URL, or as a result of visiting the site and using the information posted on it.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Article 435. Offer.

An offer is an offer addressed to one or more specific persons, which is sufficiently definite and expresses the intention of the person who made the offer to consider himself to enter into a contract with the addressee, who will accept the offer.
The offer must contain the essential terms of the contract.
The offer binds the person who sent it from the moment of its receipt by the addressee. If the notice of withdrawal of the offer is received earlier or simultaneously with the offer itself, the offer is considered not received.

Article 437. Invitation to make offers. Public offer.

Advertisements and other offers addressed to an indefinite number of persons are considered as an invitation to make offers, unless otherwise expressly stated in the offer.
An offer, which contains all the essential terms of the contract, which shows the will of the person making the offer to conclude a contract on the conditions specified in the offer with anyone who responds, is considered an offer (public offer).

Ordering Rules:


Actual address: 690080, Vladivostok, 155, 100 Leta Vladivostok Ave.

E-mail: info@yogihall.ru
Phones: +7 (914) 705-37-33, +7 (914) 702-73-92


Payment methods:
By bank card

To pay by bank card on the corresponding page you need to select the method of payment "Bank card". Payment is made through Sberbank, also in the near future payments will be made through the processing company Uniteller with the use of bank cards of the following payment systems:

To pay (enter your card details) you will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank. Connection with the payment gateway and information transfer is performed in secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the Verified By Visa or MasterCard SecureCode secure Internet payment technology, you may also be required to enter a special password to make a payment. This site supports 256-bit encryption. The confidentiality of personal information is ensured by Sberbank. The entered information will not be provided to third parties, except in cases stipulated by Russian legislation. Payments by bank cards are made in strict accordance with the requirements of the payment systems MIR, Visa Int. and MasterCard Europe Sprl.

Ways to get your order:


Payment for the e-ticket is made only by bank transfer using the selected payment system. After payment of the order, the links to connect to the online broadcast come to the e-mail address (e-mail) specified when placing the order.

Ticket Refunds:
In order to process a refund at the request of the Buyer, it is necessary to send a written application to the e-mail address info@yogihall.ru.

Note that:

The sum of the service fee is the remuneration of the company-seller for the booking/realization of your order. The service fee is not refundable in case of refunds or exchanges, both in case of refunds at the initiative of the buyer, and in case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of the event.

For more information about the return of tickets, see clause 4 of the terms of service (offer).

Refunds of the funds transferred to your bank account within 1-3 days, in some cases the refund period can be up to 30 days (the period depends on the Bank, which issued your bank card).

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Payments. Online bank card payment

On our site you can pay for goods by Visa, MasterCard or Mir. After confirming the selected product a secure window with the page of the payment service provider will open ArsenalPaywhere you need to enter your bank card data. The 3D Secure protocol is used for additional cardholder authentication. If your bank supports this technology, you will be redirected to its server for additional identification. For information about the rules and methods of additional identification please ask your bank that issued your bank card.

Methods of delivery and return of goods (e-ticket)

Ways to get your order:


Payment for the e-ticket is made only by bank transfer using the selected payment system. After payment of the order, the links to connect to the online broadcast come to the e-mail address (e-mail) specified when placing the order.

Ticket Refunds:
To request a refund at the request of the Buyer, it is necessary to send a written application to the e-mail address info@yogihall.ru.

Note that:

The sum of the service fee is the remuneration of the company-seller for the booking/realization of your order. The service fee is not refundable in case of refunds or exchanges, both in case of refunds at the initiative of the buyer, and in case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of the event.

For more information about ticket refunds, see paragraph 4 of the terms of service (offer).

Refunds of the funds transferred is made to your bank account within 1-3 days, in some cases the refund period can be up to 30 days (the period depends on the Bank which issued your bank card). Refunds are made strictly to the card from which the payment was made.